Friday, February 7, 2014

India's Western Ghats: a wealth of wildlife and the world's best pharmacy

India's Western Ghats: a wealth of wildlife and the world's best pharmacy

Far from the chaos of the city, Peter Robinson finds sanctuary in the biodiverse beauty of India’s Coorg region

They say you either love India or hate it. The colour, the chaos and the sheer press of people constantly overstimulate the mind and the senses, clamouring for an instant revision of your perspective. Even those, like me, for whom it’s love at first sight will at times be overwhelmed. So it's vital to find a sanctuary where you can get away from it all.

Whether you're a dedicated hiker or simply seeking a refuge, walking in the wild is a great antidote to India overload, and the country has an astonishing amount of wilderness, despite its billion-plus people.

We chose the Coorg (Kodagu) region in Karnataka in the southern part of the Western Ghats range. Among coffee and spice plantations is a great mix of hill and rainforest hiking, with a cooler climate and unexpectedly green vegetation.

Marketed as the “Scotland of India”, the region has an increasingly sophisticated infrastructure with various levels of accommodation aimed at the growing tourist market, opening the area up to serious walkers as well as families. Daily flights into Bangalore and the new Mandakali Airport at Mysore now make it easily accessible from Britain.
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